ACRES – Agri Climate Rural Environmental Scheme
We are a Department of Agriculture approved ACRES Planning & Consulting Agency.
Contact us to book your ACRES Consultation.
We are a Department of Agriculture approved ACRES Planning & Consulting Agency.
Contact us to book your ACRES Consultation.
We are a Department of Agriculture approved ACRES Training Agency. It is advised to pre book NOW to secure your place.
Places are limited so early booking is advised.
Contact us to book your place on a course near you.
Auditing, Application & Submission
Professional Completion and Consultation
We advise farmers on meeting their Cross Compliance obligations and to help farmers avoid any financial reductions in respect of SMRs and GAECs.
We are a Department of Agriculture Approved Commonage Management Planning Agency.
We facilitate the Lease / Sale / Gift / Inheritance & Transfer of Entitlements throughout Ireland
Department of Agriculture Approved Agency for the Compilation and Submission of Green Agri Environmental Plans.
We provide an in depth Euro Profit Monitor analysis on your farm, and we give professional advice along with Key performance indicators to see how your business is performing.
Professional Compilation and Submission of Farmer VAT returns to the Revenue Commissioner.
Can be purchased in our office or ordered here.
We provide Geotagging photographs for farmer Department of Agriculture queries.
Application advice & set up.
Application advice & set up.
Meets all legal and industry requirements.
Knapsack or Boom spraying courses available.
Advice on Business start-ups, Grants & Local Enterprise development.
We provide a professional Soil/Silage Sampling & analysis
40% & 60% Grants
We facilitate the transition from Sole traders to Ltd Company set up.