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About Us

Patrick McIntyre is the Managing Director and Senior Consultant / Advisor in the firm.

Patrick holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Agriculture & Environmental Management complimenting his Bachelor of Science Honours degree in Rural Enterprise & Environmental Management. He also holds an Honours Certificate for Soil Science and Animal Nutrition & Breeding, and he is also a farm advisory service (FAS) approved advisor, ACRES advisor, ACRES Trainer, ACRES commonage advisor, Qualified Grassland pesticides advisor and a Knowledge Transfer approved Facilitator. He is also a member of the Agricultural Consultants Association.

Patrick is still an active organic farmer until this day and consistently attends all Department of Agriculture training and relevant up to date agriculture and environmental courses.

Picture: P McIntyre

Aaron O’Donnell is the Junior Consultant / Advisor within the firm.

He graduated from the Atlantic Technological University in early 2022. Aaron holds a Batchelor of Science degree (Honours) In Agriculture and Environmental Management.

Complementing his degree, Aaron grew up working between two farms. He currently manages his mother’s farm which mainly consists of black face mountain sheep on mountain / commonage area. He also works alongside his father, farming various breeds of beef suckler cattle and lowland sheep.

Aaron is a farm advisory service (FAS) approved advisor, ACRES advisor, ACRES Trainer and a Knowledge Transfer approved Facilitator.

He compiles and submits all relevant Department of Agriculture scheme applications and assists in the implementation of all new CAP Schemes and facilitates the transfer of scheme information to our clients.

Picture: A O’Donnell